Nephrite Wilk

Captain of the Kintsugi Fray || Master Engineer

Leader and Co-Founder of The Kintsugi Fray. Despite it being common knowledge that the Captain is a well known figure in the under-workings of Ul'dah, his origins are, for the most part, a mystery. That aside, he seems to be a charitable man with a soft heart for those in need.He specializes in Magitek, aviation, and firearms. His airship and the engine he built for it are his pride and joy, his "life's work" if you will.He's not afraid to get his hands dirty... exceptionally dirty... And he is loyal to his crew to the bitter end.

Name: Nephrite Wilk
Birthname: Nihlus Arterius
Race: Hyur | Genetic Amalgamation (Homunculus)
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Dalmasca | Valnain | Garlean Genetics Lab
Occupation: Sky Pirate, Captain of The Volkin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Orientation: Pansexual
Efficiencies: Engineering, Physics, Magitek, Aviation, Strategy, and Firearms


Cunning and a bit cocky. Despite taking up the mantle of ‘pirate’, Nephrite is a deeply compassionate man and despises seeing ill-deserved people be mistreated or hurt. He is determined to dismantle the systems of oppression that plague Hydealyn, or at the very least rob them of their financial stability. Nephrite’s willfulness and aptitude for strategy make him a natural leader even if he sometimes lacks eloquence.Beneath his gallant demeanor, however, is a troubled psyche. Nephrite struggles with both the sins of his past as well as the concept of his own humanity. Though he may not have been personally involved in the death of thousands through the will of the Empire, when he looks at his hands all he sees is blood. He wishes to atone for his past by securing a brighter future for those around him, even if he means to never see it.He is not above doing his own dirty work. Nephrite would sooner coat his own hands in filth if it meant someone else's would be spared. He is a tried and true believer of "the end justifies the means".


Dark teal hair with sun kissed tips. Freckled and scar ridden skin, he has one tattoo of a moth on the inside of his left bicep. He possesses a singular sage green eye as the other has gone white with blindness due to being damaged beyond repair. He is of average height for a Hyur, if not a bit tall for a Midlander, with a runner's build. He tends to favor rugged bohemian aesthetics in clothing, as it reminds him of home in Dalmasca.


Cunning | Cocky | Cynical | Crafty | Willful | Witty | GallantLIKES | Cats | Open Sky | Tinkering | Tea | Treasure Hunting | Banter | Machinery |DISLIKES | Authority/Systems | The Ocean/Sea | Nobility/Royalty | Prejudice | Corruption | Indignity | Captivity |Energetic ◌◌◌●◌◌◌◌◌◌ Lazy
Forgiving ◌◌◌◌◌◌◌●◌◌ Vengeful
Generous ◌●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌ Selfish
Honest ◌◌◌◌◌◌◌●◌◌ Deceitful
Merciful ◌◌◌●◌◌◌◌◌◌ Cruel
Modest ◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌●◌ Proud
Prudent ◌◌◌◌◌◌◌●◌◌ Reckless
Trusting ◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌●◌ Suspicious
Valorous ●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌ Cowardly

DAWN : THE CURATIONThe year of Nephrite's birth and the Garlean invasion of Dalmasca are one in the same. Nephrite's father, Abraum, owned a tavern near the harbor in Valnain. Upon arrival, the establishment was accosted by Garlean soldiers, namely the lead of Genetic Engineering, Tacia mal Arterius. The woman appeared to be a Praefectus Architectorum, a high commander of field engineers and scientists. The tavern was then converted into a base of operations for the magitek engineers. Although the poor man was left with little choice in the matter, due to his cooperation, Abraum was compensated for his assistance and able to continue to live comfortably while Garlemald overtook his homeland. It was not long after that the tavernkeep became smitten with the commander, Tacia, and a relationship soon blossomed.Given the Garlean name Nihlus Arterius at birth, Nephrite was born a few short moons after the fall of Dalmasca to Garlean rule. Abraum’s tavern had been returned to him, he and the new born babe were granted full Garlean citizenship, and Tacia retired from military service there after.DAWN : THE REALIZATIONThe actuality surrounding Nephite's birth began in an Garlean Genetics Engineering Lab. Amidst Garlemald's early days in it's conquest of Hydealyn, Tacia mal Arterius, a premier engineer at the time, purposed her crowning research project : Project SPECTER. Instead of wasteing precious Garlean lives, the project suggested the use of an amalgamation of genetics gathered from warriors of old. These engineered beings would be mass manufactured to create as much fodder for war as the Empire needed. With the use of auricite, SPECTERs could be sent to the frontlines immediately with an expert martial prowess without the need for years of training.The project would go on for 20 some odd years till ultimately deemed irrelevant and a waste of resources. Distraught and heartbroken, Tacia would spirit away the first created SPECTER as well as a recently created infant. Having become obsessed with her creations and quite literally falling in love with them, Tacia would abruptly retire to the recently conquered Dalmasca. Tediously she'd curate lives for her newly fabricated family, implant them with picture perfect memories, and pray a day would never come where they would become the wiser.TWILIGHTHaving been raised under Garlean rule, Nephrite knew little to nothing about the culture of his homeland beyond stories his father would occasionally muse about. As he grew older, despite being perceived as only of half Garlean blood as we as lacking a third eye, it became apparent that he somehow processed an acute aptitude for spatial reasoning. He was therefore sent to Garlemald to attend a military academy for engineering.As a so-called half blood, Nephrite was forced to deal with years of being looked down upon and bullying by his pureblooded Garlean peers. Thankfully, he was not the only outsider. He managed to find his own band of misfits amongst the students hailing from all across Hydealyn. In this, Nephrite's aptitude for leadership began to manifest. He lead his band of outcasts on many an excursion of pranks and smuggling illicit items into the school. So too did he get his first tastes of plundering in the form of relieving his more privileged peers of their material possessions for his own amusement.Nephrite, despite his roguish demeanor, proved an excellent study with a sharp mind and even sharper skills. His spite drove his determination to prove himself the superior engineer amongst his snobbish classmates. Upon graduation, Nephrite had indeed manifested himself to be extremely adept and graduated at the top of his class. He was promptly given a position amongst one of the leading field engineer squadrons.There, however, was not much time to celebrate as the hyur was almost immediately given orders to deploy to Eorzea. Having been raised near the sea, Nephrite had elected to travel by boat, for nostalgia’s sake mostly. A choice he would sadly live to regret.The large vessel managed to snag a patch of coral amidst it’s journey, causing the ship to take on water and rapidly sink into the ocean. Nephrite had been below deck, trying to seal the breaches with the other members of the crew as the vessel sank beneath the waves. Amidst the chaos, a build up of pressure caused the seal Nephrite had been laboring on to burst. An array of shrapnel launched at the young engineer, lacerating his body. It wasn’t until he had swum back to the surface that Nephrite realized he not only lost vision in his left eye, but the entire eye itself had been mangled beyond repair.None of the crew nor passengers survived the catastrophe, save the lone engineer. His escape was nothing short of a miracle. He was eventually rescued by a civilian airship flying overhead that had witnessed the wreckage.By all means he should have died that day. Perhaps it was by some higher power that his life was spared. But as far as Nephrite is concerned, to this day he’d rather swallow poison than step foot on any other sea faring vessel.SUNRISENephrite served the Garlean empire for many years all across Eorzea, eventually climbing the ranks and becoming Architectus Ordinum, a commander of his own small unit of field engineers. He became renowned as Nihlus lux Arterius and earned the title "The Emerald Moth". He was given command of an airship, aptly named The Vatsher, a decently sized airship used to transport and service magitek and other lethal Garlean weapons.With his position came the opportunity to develop his own inventions and improvements to pre-existing Garlean technologies. Firstly, he took the opportunity to manufacture himself a new eye. As he had a fondness for firearms and other such artillery like gunblades, he developed it with scoping capabilities in mind and a need to see in the dark.One of his most notorious projects was his work on large scale airship engines. The speed at which a grand warship could travel was practically doubled with the development of the Arterius Engine. Smaller scale ships were also soon able to travel at breakneck speeds due to Nephrite’s invention. For a period of time, he was the pride and joy of the engineering world in Garlemald.DAYLIGHTBeing an engineer, and a commanding officer at that, it was a rarity for Nephrite to see the front lines. It wasn’t until his squadron was called upon for an emergency field repair of one of the fleet's prized airships, that he bore witness to what his innovations had wrought.His designs meant to aid airship engines had been bastardized and fused with cannons and other ballistic weapons. With the added speed and precision of the Atrerius Engine, Garlean soldiers were able to slaughter beastmen, thralls, Alliance soldiers, even their own Imperial soldiers (unlucky enough to be caught in the crossfire) rapidly, and indiscriminately. He'd given the empire the ability to create an utter bloodbath in a matter of seconds. Nephrite attempted to protest to his superiors, explaining that this technology was intended for swift travel, not to be weaponized. But his pleas and concerns were met with dismissal, being told a half-breed could never understand the true vision of the Empire. The seeds of doubt and resentment towards the empire began to flourish. It wasn’t long after that the Empire revealed it’s plan for Project Meteor. For Nephrite, that was the final straw to break the dhalmel’s back. He had to get out.In a carefully laid, albeit ambitious plan, Nephrite secured the airship he’d spent so many years flying for the Empire, and deserted his post in the dead of night, destroying the schematics for his engines in the process. Without the blueprints and their original creator, it would be a difficult process for the Empire to continue to produce the Arterius Engine. At least, that's what he hoped. Having already been in Eorzean territory, he decided the deserts of Thanalan was his best bet for security.SUNSETNephrite spent the next few years laying in hiding in Ul'dah. He abandoned his Garlean name and chose something more akin to the locals, Nephrite Wilk. Using the gil he earned selling salvaged magitek parts, he was able to modify the appearance of the airship he’d accosted to the point it no longer resembled a ship of garlean make. He named the refurbished vessel The Volkin, after a Dalmascan story his father used to tell him.For fear of his family’s sympathies towards the Empire, Nephrite was apprehensive of informing his parents of his survival and whereabouts. It was not till moons after the Battle at Carteneau, that Nephrite found a safe opportunity to deliver a message to his father of what he had done and why. It appeared, despite their disapproval, his secret was safe with his mother and father, and they'd eagerly await a time where their son can return home and they may live in peace. Nephrite, however, accepted long ago such a day is likely to never come.DUSKIn the years past the Calamity, Nephrite had done well for himself, albeit not exactly in the most savory of terms. Having come into wealth rather rapidly and being one of few Eorzeans in possession of a personal airship, this got the hyur noticed by those with their hands deep in the underbelly of Ul'dah and other provinces.It wasn't long before the hyur was shoulders deep in his own dealings. Using his knowledge of smuggling and thievery from his schoolboy days as a jumping off point, Nephrite began to contract himself out to those with gracious coin and a just cause. As his skills and renowned grew, so too did their risk. Jobs of larceny and discrete transport would soon lead the hyur down a path to becoming somewhat of a hitman.His passion for firearms seemed to come back around in his new found occupation. With the modifications he'd made to his false eye so long ago and his spacial reasoning, Nephrite proved himself to be rather deadly. What he lacked in stealth, he more than made up the difference in perception and precision. At one point he could be heard saying, "Nobody will notice, if there is nobody to notice."Time passed on in a haze as he scrambled to busy himself. Running away from his past, The hyur began to fill the void growing inside him with vices. Having attended a plethora of shady soirees, it wasn't difficult for him to pick up a habit of smoking and heavily drinking. But despite his clouded mind, a sense began to resound in the hyur. If his blood drenched hands could remove some of the stains that tarnish this star, perhaps it was time to move on to a larger stage.With a clearer goal manifesting, Nephrite took up a role in sky piracy, traveling across the states of Eorzea and beyond. His main goal aimed to thwart Garlean advancement and whatever other tyrannical presence threatened the good people of Hydelayn. However, manning an airship the size of The Volkin on his own was quickly becoming very taxing. It was time to form a crew.NIGHTFALLHaving lived in Ul’dah for years now, the best place Nephrite knew of to find able bodied men and women was the Coliseum. Being a bit of a gambling man, he was well versed in the dealings there. He had scouted a few fighters in the ring, but none had yet to stand out as a potential candidate, he wasn’t in the market for meat-headed individuals out for blood. It wasn’t until a match had started between a man of typical gladiatorial fare and a small, by comparison, Miqo’te man. Nephrite’s interest was suddenly peaked, what guts the man must have had. The Hyur hurried to the proprietor, frantic that he needed to know more of this brave Miqo’te. It was then he learned the man was in fact a criminal, a stowaway, here to earn his freedom or die trying. He was honestly impressed to learn that this Miqo’te had managed to last days in hiding without being detected by authorities. A skill the Hyur could definitely make use of.As Nephrite continued to watch the match, it was swiftly apparent the man was in over his head and out matched. The Hyur had to act fast if he wanted to utilize this Miqo’te. In a brash decision, Nephrite commanded the proprietor to stop the match, he would pay the man’s bail and have him released into his custody. It appeared to be just in the nic of time as well.With pride swelling in his chest, he rushed to meet his new prospective crew man. The Miqo’te was a bit worse for wear, but it wasn’t anything some bandages, rich food, and a good night’s rest couldn’t fix. After introducing himself and learning the Miqo’te’s name, Yoru Yugen, he was eager to offer his services and a position aboard the Volkin. As the ship’s first crewman, it only made sense that the man be given First Mate. It may have been a bit of a naive decision on Nephrite’s part, but it is not one he has lived to regret in the slightest.

Looking For

Either Heavy or Light RP. Please no walk ups with the exception of RP events. RP Tag= IC.

Where to Find Him

If Nephrite isn't aboard The Volkin, he can sometimes be found in the streets of Ul'dah or Kugane, looking to turn a coin.

How to Know Him

If you're looking to turn a profit from a corrupt noble's coin purse, you have a friend in Nephrite. Proposition him with the promise of treasure or coin, and you'll surely have his attention. Otherwise, Nephrite is always on the lookout to recruit estranged individuals into his pirate crew. The man has a soft heart, and is fairly easily moved by the stories and trials of others, it does not take much to get an offer to be inducted into his little family of crewmates.

OOC Notes

I've been RPing for MANY years. I'm always open for brainstorming if you want to build a story with me. That being said, Nephrite’s past with the Empire is NOT common knowledge unless he speaks to someone privately about it, which is an extremely rare occurrence and would require a lot of trust between them. As far as most anyone knows, he’s simply a rich man from Ul’dah with a mysterious past, nothing more. One other note is that he does put on a slight front of having a simpler “working man’s” way of speech and accent, when in fact he is a very learned man with a bit of eloquence. It has, however, worn away overtime from living in hiding under a false identity for several years.

Story/Ongoing Story Notes

reVISITATIONNephrite had spent his entire life under the assumption that his gift for spatial awareness and his advanced comprehension of physics was inherited genetically through his Garlean blood. That, however, was found to be a lie fed to him by his mother.Years of retirement from the Garlean Empire's elite research and development, began to drive Tacia mal Arterius mad with boredom. Or perhaps she'd been mad from the start. The love she bore for her self manufactured child began to contort into obsession. His lack of a third eye was always a pain point for the woman, as she felt it would be impossible for her son to get ahead in life without it, especially in the Empire. It was not long before the woman decided to take it upon herself to grant her son this gift through artificial means. Unbeknownst to the boy, Tacia began engineering implants to enhance her son's physical and mental capabilities. To put him on par with his pure blooded peers was a fine goal, but soon would prove to not be enough for the woman's lust for genetic improvement and perfection.First she gave the boy a level a spatial awareness that would make even a veteran Garlean engineer blush. It would take Nephrite years to understand what the information his brain was processing even meant. But after his brain fully matured, he was able to merely glance at a machine and know it's flaws and where it could be improved. This could make him a world class engineer if he so chose it.Tacia then gave her son an uncanny ability to determine an object's physics of trajectory and force, simply by holding it or viewing it motion once. This could make him a deadly marksman if he instead decided the military was more his pace.The final implants his mother had been working on, she was never able to finish. Perhaps she had come to her senses and decided she had meddled enough with her son's body. Or perhaps she was frightened of finally being caught. Regardless, Tacia's final act of motherly love had been to replace the boy's limbs. Making him stronger, faster, and of a higher endurance level than any other Garlean could hope for. The task proved too daunting for the lone, retired genetic engineer, and she abandoned the project shortly after developing the schematics.The implants Tacia had fashioned sat discreetly beneath the skin, some of her more advanced models could even attach themselves to the boy's bone and muscle. No one would ever know what she had done. And the boy would only ever come to be perceived as immensely gifted.Tacia kept her secret close to her chest, but nothing so technologically progressive goes unnoticed under the Empire's gaze forever.
Years later, Nephrite would come to discover his mother's handy work through a series of unfortunate events involving a few individuals (Namely a Garlean Spy and later an Allagan A.I.)) taking advantage of the machina in his head and using it to render him unconscious.Since then, Nephrite began to grapple with his feelings for his parents, as well as his own perceived "inhumanity". Daily he'd contemplate seeking justice against his mother, weather she has forfeited her right to live, and if it was up to him to see that justice served.He'd discreetly begin to search for his parents. Both making use of drone and pulling the strings of a Garlean Spy, he'd discover his parents were last seen in their home in Dalmasca prior to the revolt against the Empire. Unfortunately the home had since been razed to the ground and the two had not been seen since and were presumed dead.It wasn't until the fall of the Garlean Empire, and The Kintsugi Fray's decent into the territory in search of refugees, that information on Nephrite's parents would finally surface.It was here Nephrite would encounter members of his former crew under the Garlean Empire. Though the encounter was less than a cool reception, it ultimately lead him and the Fray to a long abandoned Garlean Castrum.Inside, the crew would discover just how deep the horrors of Tacia mal Arterius ran. It appeared she not only picked up where she'd left off with Project SPECTER, having vats and tube filled with freshly created homunculi, but she'd manufactured a new creation; the OROBOURUS. The parasitic creature appeared to convert organic material into fuel for magitek, grotesquely fusing the two together.Discovering the origin of his birth, Nephrite struggled to venture deeper into the castrum with his crew. He'd force himself to swallow his emotions for the time being, the need to put an end to his mother's madness fueling him alone.The pirates would eventually come face to face Tacia herself as well as a drone-like Abraum. Though she would manage to escape once, manipulating Nephrite's implant to force him to aid her, she would not be so lucky the second time. Seeing as Abraum had met a gruesome end at both the hand of the pirates and an OROBOURUS that had attached itself to him, Tacia attempted to reset the code in Nephrite's implant and replace it with Abraum's, destroying his memories and sense of self in the process. This however was interrupted by the crew that had pursued her. In doing so, the process was left incomplete and only a baser version of the captain remained in the body, his id. Feeling only a murderous impulse, Nephrite would sick one of Tacia's OROBOURUS upon her, shoving it forcefully down her throat, ending her.With no ego to restrain him, Nephrite would turn on his crew, attempting to murder them as well. It wasn't until a nearby automaton intervened, was it discovered that the captain's conscious had split off from his body before being destroyed forever. Housing himself within the robot via auricite, Nephrite would aid his crew in reclaiming his body as well as removing the implant from his head for good.Unable to maintain his current form, he'd pass the auricite on to his first mate and hope he'd be able to return to his body despite the implant no longer being the house for his personality.GIBBOUS PROMISE

A pureblood Garlean man, fellow field engineer, former school mate to Nephrite, and former best mate. In their school days, Lyco and Nephrite shared a living space and became fast friends. The kinship between the two would inevitably deepen and they would become each other's first sexual encounter. Though a relationship never truly blossomed, Lyco would go on to work under Nephrite as one of his field engineers aboard The Vatsher.
It was discovered that after Nephrite's defection from the Garlean military, Lyco had been taken in for questioning about his commander's whereabouts. It was no secret the two were close, leading the interrogators to distrust Lyco's claim of ignorance. He was tortured until death for failing to comply.Syngiwyrka jen Herlhaerz
Son of a long conscripted Roegayn family, a skilled engineer, and former school mate. Syngi was another member of Nephrite's inner circle in his time in the Garlean Magitek Academy and also served aboard the Vatsher. The Roegadyn was a skilled inventor and often looked up or down to Nephrite as an inspiration.
Post the fall of the Garlean Empire, Syngi would help establish a refugee camp on the outskirts of the capital. Upon being discovered by the Kintsugi Fray, Syngi would gladly accept the pirate's aid and was very elated to see his old friend and commander alive and well.Veturia jen Sita
A young halfblood Garlean woman that served under Nephrite aboard the Vatsher. The two quickly bonded over their similar origins and grew very close. However, they did not share the same sympathies for those under Garlemald's thumb. This lead to any feelings that came from Veturia to be unrequited.
After the fall of the Empire, Veturia alongside Syngiwyka, established a refugee camp outside city limits and would go on to lead it. Having thought him dead, discovering her former commander's survival made him a traitor in her eyes as well as guilty of Lyco's death. Though they'd eventually reach a truce, the relationship between the two is icy at best.Petra jen Sellic DECEASED
An rean auri woman who was the adoptive daughter of an undisclosed Garlean nobleman. A very talented engineer who worked aboard the Vatsher as the lead mechanic.
Petra would find herself amongst the refugees Veturia and Syngiwyka gathered after Garlemald's civil war. She would eventually be coerced into follow Tacia mal Arterius, along with a small handful of other refugees, to a larger and seemingly more accommodating refuse inside an abandoned castrum.The Kintsugi Fray would discover Petra within the castrum, having fallen victim to Tacia's OROBOURUS creation. In her dying moments she requested the pirates take a mysterious metal case back to their airship, but begged them to never open it, stating it was too dangerous if it were to fall in the wrong hands.HIT LISTYube Sateyi : MAIMED
A female keeper of the moon miqo'te. A Huntress turned counterfeiter in Gridania. A hit was put out on the catte after it was discovered she had amassed a false wealth of gil and had begun circulating it in the coffers of the elite in Ul'dah. Nephrite was contracted to "take care of it". The hyur, in a show of "mercy" fractured the catte's knee caps as a warning. The woman's name has yet to surface since.
Douteux "Onyx" Vego : DECEASED
An Elezen gladiator in the colosseum in Ul'dah. After years of success and fame, it was discovered that Onyx had been using poison on his opponents to give himself an advantage in his matches. This would often result in disease and death sometime later. A hit was placed on him on behalf of the families of those affected and Nephrite was eager to oblige.
O'wica Tia : DECEASED
A seeker of the sun accused of murdering the Nunh and several other women and children of his tribe and fleeing. The tribe placed a hit on the man, as the clan was in dire straights attempting to reconcile their loss and was in no position to seek justice themselves.
It took Nephrite several suns, but eventually he was able to locate the miqo'te in neighboring Mor Dhona. The man claimed to be possessed, that he never would have done such a thing. Nephrite refused to believe this seeing the excuse as empty, and swiftly ended the man.Suishi Ruishi : DECEASED
A lalafel cosmetics peddler in the Sapphire Exchange. The products were discovered to be laced with an alchemical component that made the products addictive when absorbed through the skin and if consumers ceased usage, the skin would begin to dry out and crack, break out into blisters, or in more severe cases, slough off entirely.
A hit was placed on the lalafel by a young upper class hyur woman who had fallen prey to his scheme. The woman was currently in the process of growing back the epidermis on her cheeks and lips.Nephrite hadn't initially meant to kill the man, but as it became evident that the lalafel felt no remorse and had no intention of ceasing his production, Nephrite chose to end the man's life.Lady Beloved Dove : DECEASED
A Roegadyn noblewoman and former member of the Syndicate. Dove and her husband Jasper owned a series of inns and taverns all across Hydaelyn. Their fall from grace began when the pair began to deal in human trafficking within the secrecy of their establishments. This would eventually be brought to light by the Syndicate and the two were promptly removed and stripped of their financial holdings in Ul'dah. However, the extent of the Syndicate's reach could only go so far, and the former nobles continued their work elsewhere. Learning this, one lone member of Syndicate, Chairman Lolorito Nanarito, contracted a well known hitman (one Nephrite Wilk) to take care of the issue personally.
Nephrite found the pair held up in Kugane. He would proceed to earn Lady Dove's trust by playing into her baser instincts, lust. After a few suns worth of courtship, he set his plan into motion and assassinated the noblewoman and her husband shortly after from within the comfort of their own home.The hyur was compensated exceptionally well by his lalafelian contractor and didn't want for gil for quite some time afterwards.Lord Humble Jasper : DECEASEDA Roegadyn nobleman, former Syndicate member, and husband of Lady Beloved Dove. Jasper was removed from the Syndicate after it came to light that he and his wife delt in human trafficking within the walls of their establishment. Though their operations had ceased in Ul'dah, the pair continued their business in the other city states of Eorzea and across the sea in Othard.The pair fled to Kugane to escape their reputation, but that freedom was rather short lived. A hitman would eventually find his way to their doorstep and put an end to their dealings.After their death, Jasper and Dove's holdings and establishments fell apart and crumbled. However, like most evils, others would eventually rise in their place.